If you’ve wandered into a cannabis dispensary any time since last October, when the advent of recreational sales made those visits possible, you’ve marveled at a galaxy of goodies: salted caramel chews made with organic cannabis oil, small-batch GMO-free ice cream from local milk, rosemary-and-cumin-spiced nuts, even marionberry coffee cake.
Sour Bhotz gummies, Drip ice-cream, and Laurie & MaryJane's nut mix.
But unless a doctor has issued you a medical marijuana card, you salivate in vain: Oregon won’t let prospective psychonauts buy those treats just yet. Unlike in Colorado and Washington, our comrades in state-level legalization, Oregon’s recreational marijuana law kicked edibles down the road—probably until October 2016.
Continue reading—and find out 3 local treats you can't have yet!—in my story for Portland Monthly.