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22 February 2013


Kelly Merrick

Hi Hannah! I read your post on the Portland Farmer's Market blog and am really fascinated by your project. Since we moved to Portland a year and a half ago my husband and I have done almost all of our grocery shopping at the farmers market while trying to spend as little as possible. One trick I have found is to make my own veggie stock from scraps. I wrote about it for the PFM blog (I am a regular contributor to it) and for my personal blog (www.kellyssustainablelife.blogspot.com) a few months ago. It involves saving the scraps from veggies like carrots, onions, garlic, parsnips, leeks, potatoes, etc., freezing them until you have enough and then making stock. I have been doing it for almost a year now and because we make so much soup I make it about twice a month. Anyway, thought it might be helpful. Good luck with your challenge! -Kelly

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