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21 May 2007


George Withers, Ph.D.

Ms. Wallace,

I thoroughly enjoyed your interview with Ms. Mead. There were great questions and equally interesting responses. It made me think of my mother who was so very pleased to borrow a new dress from a friend for her "wedding gown." After the Great Depression and World War II, expectations were lower and seemingly more profound. My mother was an English teacher which means she taught us the value of understanding history and how it shapes our lives.

Since I noticed your were interested in health, I wanted to mention that I recently completed, "Divorce Brutality - Why Marriages and Relationships Die - A Window into Personality and Social Decay." I have spent many years treating clients who have been needlessly injured in divorce and other relationships. Not understanding the basics of personality tends to limit one's ability to fully recover from difficult divorces, domestic violence and other trying events.

To understand personality, it helps to illustrate it historical ties. I have tried to follow up with Dr. King's request that we judge the content of character. He may have underestimated the arduous nature of this task in terms of accuracy and resistance from others. Dealing with the objective nature of one's relational health can be quite frightening.

Besides having historical features, my book is somewhat of a clinical textbook/reference guide that may help you with future columns and psychological principles. Just as we now have family medical guides, my book may help family members when they face challenging transitions in life. It is hard to estimate just how many teens and young adults in each generation are looking for information that will help them prepare for the demands of love and work in adulthood.


George Withers, Ph.D.
website for excerpts - georgewithersphd.com

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